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  • Centre d'Etudes Himalayennes
    UPR 299 - CNRS
  • Campus Condorcet
  • 2, cours des Humanités
  • 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex
  • France
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Accueil > Colloques, journées d’étude > 46. Projet ERC Kham (2012-2016)

Panel on Kham at IATS meeting

Meeting of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Ulaanbaatar
21-27 July 2013

Convenor : Stéphane Gros


(I) Trade, commerce, and exchange processes

9:15-9:30 Introduction, by Stéphane Gros
9:30-10:00 Easternmost Tibet : Trade nexus of cooperation and conflict, by Patrick Booz
10:00-10:30 The courier station network in Kham during the Qing period and change in its function, by Lu Mei

10:30 – 11.00 Tea and Coffee

11.00-11:30 A cross-area approach to routes of communication, by Chen Bo
11:30-12:00 Kham Tibetam Muslims : Shaping and shifting of indigenous conceptualizations of authority, trade and culture along the Sino-Tibetan ethnic corridor, by David Atwill
12:00-12:30 Discussant : Peter Schwieger

(II) Boundaries of authority

2:00-2:30 From trade to political legitimacy in Southernmost Kham (19th-20th centuries), by Stéphane Gros
2:30-3:00 The Ngor pa Abbots at the Court of Derge (sDe dge) during the 18th Century : Preserving the order’s influence and authority in a competitive environment, by Rémi Chaix
3:00-3:30 The decline of the Derge (sDe dge) kingdom and the emergence of a strongman in the late 19th and early 20th century Kham, by Yudru Tsomu

3:30 – 4:00 Tea and Coffee

4:00 – 4:30 Nation-state building in the late Qing dynasty and Zhao Erfeng’s legal reforms in Kham, by Zha Luo
4:30 – 5:00 The first non-monastic school in Muli (1946-48) : an epitomization of the political forces and cultural influences at work in the region during the 1940s, by Lara Maconi
5:00-6:00 Discussant : Peter Schwieger

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