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    UPR 299 - CNRS
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  • 2, cours des Humanités
  • 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex
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Article de Jagannath Adhikari, Tristan Bruslé (CEH), Mahendra Subedi, Mahendra Rai and Chiranjivi Baral

COVID-19’s impact on Nepalese migrants : families. Vulnerability, coping strategies, and the role of state and non-state actors

Article paru dans Critical Asian Studies, 54:3, 422–440
DOI : 10.1080/14672715.2022.2076707


This article examines how COVID-19 has impacted Nepalese migrants’ vulnerability and the actions they have taken to adapt to the situation. It investigates the problems created by COVID-19 from a disaster-risk management approach, the preparatory measures taken to deal with the disaster, and efforts by state and non-state actors in migrants’ rescue, relief, and reintegration into society. Marginal migrants, including unskilled workers, women, undocumented individuals, have been most affected by the pandemic, something which was also overlooked by government policies. The study shows that because government subsidies for migrants were too meagre and came too late, migrants have started going back abroad, despite COVID-19 risks. Furthermore, the study reveals that Nepalese migrants’ vulnerability depends on their levels of education, skills, gender, and legal status. In the light of these findings, the Nepal government needs a stronger institutional structure to help migrants navigate transnational spaces.

Mots-clés : COVID-19 ; labor migration ; Nepal ; vulnerability ; migration policy

Voir en ligne : Article intégral