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Accueil > Séminaires et enseignements > Séminaire "Anthropologie comparée du bouddhisme" > Séminaire "Anthropologie comparée du bouddhisme 2016-2020

"Comparative anthropology of Buddhism" Seminar, 2017-18

Buddhist Ritualities

Organised by N. Sihlé (CNRS/CEH) and B. Brac de la Perrière (CASE/EHESS/CNRS)


Time and place : 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m., 54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris (room 651 from January onwards)

Introductory Session : comparing Buddhist rituals

13 October 2017

John Holt (Bowdoin College, Maine, USA)
The example of kathina (Sri Lanka) / Myanmar) [in English]

Typologies of Buddhist rituals : vernacular categories, analytic categories

10 November 2017

Session for discussions based on set readings (see Dropbox file below for the seminar). With the participation of Florence Galmiche (University Paris-7 Diderot) and Claire Vidal (LESC / CEIB).

Rituals to celebrate or honour masters

22 December 2017

Alexander Horstmann (University of Tallinn, Estonia)

The prosperous ascetic : staging authority in northern Thai/Burmese Buddhists saints’ birthday ceremonies

Elizabeth Ørberg (University of Copenhagen)

“The Rockstar Monk with a mission” : the millennial celebration of Naropa and his modern reincarnation (Ladakh, northern India)


Rituals for worshipping great Buddhist deities

12 January 2018

Nicolas Sihlé (CNRS-CEH)

Ritual gatherings and community of religious specialists : the case of the great rituals of the Tantrists of Repkong (northeastern Tibet)


State / renewal rituals of a cosmic and social order

2 February 2018

Alexandra de Mersan (IRASEC)
New Year rituals in Arakan (Myanmar).


Collective donation rituals

9 March 2018

Hiroko Kawanami (University of Lancaster, UK)
Religious gifts, social transactions and merit-making occasions in Myanmar


Round table

23 March 2018 (2–5 p.m., room 737).

"State of play in anthropology of Buddhism" - round table (in English) organised on the occasion of "Printemps du CEIB" (Centre d’Études Interdisciplinaires du Bouddhisme). With Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière (CNRS/EHESS), Patrice Ladwig (MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity), Nicolas Sihlé (CNRS/CEH), Erick White (Michigan Uni.).


Collective rituals of reading canonical texts

6 April 2018

Roger Casas (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
The secular ramifications of the Tan Tham / Vessantara ritual and festival in Sipsong Panna.


Funeral rituals with a collective dimension

4 May 2018

Erik Davis (Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA)
The Perfect Funeral of King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia


Life-cycle rituals

1 June 2018

Gustaaf Houtman (School of Oriental and African Studies, London)
Life-cycle rituals (beitheik) in Burma and Buddhist identity

Dropbox file with bibliographic resources, programmes, etc. : (2017-18) /


Programme 2017-18 and abstracts