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    UPR 299 - CNRS
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  • 2, cours des Humanités
  • 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex
  • France
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Book co-edited by Fabien Provost (associate member of CEH)

Clémence Jullien, Bertrand Lefebvre & Fabien Provost (eds.) Fabien Provost (ed)

L’hôpital en Asie du Sud
Politiques de santé, pratiques de soin

Hospitals are undergoing a crisis. Hospitals are undergoing a reconstruction. Hospitals need to be open to the rest of the healthcare system. They must put the patient back at the heart of the medical model. These observations, heard from Paris to New Delhi, are symptomatic of an institution that has been undergoing profound changes for several decades.

While inviting the decentralization of these issues and bringing together researchers from different disciplines (social anthropology, geography, psychology, sociology), this volume presents an updated panorama of the changes in the hospital in South Asia, drawing on the plurality of practices, norms and care facilities, so specific to this region.

From maternities and childcare to psychiatry, from the public to the private sector, from India to Pakistan, these contributions reflect the emergence of new aspirations among patients and caregivers, a redefinition of the relationship between caregivers and the development of innovative standards and practices in hospitals.

Given the multiplicity of the fields presented, are these not also an opportunity to examine more broadly the transformations of the role of the State, the persistence of social, religious and inter-caste tensions, and finally the circulation of models of care between global and local ?
Table of contents

Clémence Jullien, Bertrand Lefebvre & Fabien Provost

Violation des normes au nom des patients ?
Bertrand Lefebvre
L’accréditation hospitalière et la qualité des soins en Inde. Entre logiques commerciales et objectifs de santé publique

Clémence Jullien
« Bien-être familial » : une notion illusoire ? L’envers de la rhétorique en milieu hospitalier indien

Fabien Provost
« Retenir son stylo » pour l’équité. Le contournement des règles chez les médecins légistes en Inde

Emma Varley
Against Protocol : The Politics and Perils of Oxytocin (Mis)Use in a Pakistani Labour Room

Espaces hospitaliers : vers la complémentarité des soins ?
Clément Bayetti, Sushrut Jadhav & Sumeet Jain
Mapping Mental Well-Being in India Initial Reflections on the Role of Psychiatric Spaces

Cecilia Van Hollen, Shweta Krishnan & Shibani Rathnam
“It’s Partly in our Hands ; it’s Partly in the Hands of the Goddess” Cancer Patients’ Quest for Healing in South India

Sneha Banerjee
Beyond Healthcare at Hospitals Experiences of Women Acting as Surrogates in India

Le bien-être en question : expériences de soins
Anne Gagnant de Weck
Un bien-être sous prescription médicale Injonction au bonheur dans un hôpital psychiatrique de Delhi

Annika Strauss
“This Hospital is not Good !” A Mad Narrative from a Psychiatric Ward in Mumbai

Sandra Bärnreuther
When Time Stretches Waiting and In Vitro Fertilization in India

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