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  • Centre d'Etudes Himalayennes
    UPR 299 - CNRS
  • Campus Condorcet
  • 2, cours des Humanités
  • 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex
  • France
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Accueil > European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (EBHR)

Style guidelines

Articles submitted to the European Bulletin of Himalayan Research should be written in English and should not exceed 10,000 words in length, including footnotes and references. The EBHR uses the University of Oxford Style Guide (accessible here or upon request) as the arbiter of manuscript style issues. For spelling we use the Oxford English Dictionary.

For all contributions, when preparing your manuscript for submission to the EBHR, please observe the following conventions (see downloadable version below). Once manuscript preparation is complete, refer to the EBHR submission checklist (downloadable below) to ensure all the areas are complete for successful submission.

Spelling and punctuation
Use British spellings, eg ‘colour’, ‘organised’.
Use single quotation marks throughout, except for quotes within quotes, which should take double quotation marks. Do not use scare quotes.
Reported speech and quotes from written sources should be given in plain text within single quotation marks. Quotations exceeding 40 words should be in a separate indented paragraph followed by the author-date citation.
The titles of books and the names of newspapers and journals should be given in italics with initial capitals.
Footnotes should be used sparingly to provide supplementary information.
Diacritical marks may be used for the transliteration of terms from Himalayan languages, but should be used correctly and consistently. Personal and place names should not take diacritical marks.

References in the body of the text should use the author-date style (eg Hacchethu 1997 : 17) with a space after the colon and no comma between author and date ; where there is more than one reference listed, put a comma, not a semi-colon, between each of them. In the case of multiple authors, list only the first author (eg Uematsu et al 2016).
When listing references at the end of articles, give the author’s surname followed by their initials (without full stops), eg ‘Malla, K P’ not ‘Malla, Kamal Prakash’. Give the main title of a book with initial capital letters, but use lower case in the subtitle after an initial capital. Use lower case after an initial capital for the title of an article or book chapter (sentence style capitalisation).
References should be formatted as follows :
Bennett, L. 1983. Dangerous Wives and Sacred Sisters : Social and symbolic roles of high-caste women in Nepal. New York : Columbia University Press.
[Edited volumes]
Hansen, T B and Stepputat F (eds). 2001. States of Imagination : Ethnographic explorations of the postcolonial state. Durham and London : Duke University Press.
[Book chapters]
Ishii, H. 1995. ‘Caste and kinship in a Newar village’. In Contested Hierarchies : A collaborative ethnography of caste among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, edited by D N Gellner and D Quigley, pp109–57. Oxford : Clarendon.
[Journal articles] For online journal articles, please provide DOI or URL.
Scheppele, K L. 2003. ‘Aspirational and aversive constitutionalism : the case for studying cross-constitutional influence thorough negative models’. International Journal of Constitutional Law 1(2) : 296–324.
[Unpublished thesis]
Phillimore, P. 1982. Marriage and Social Organisation among the Pastoralists of the Dhaula Dhar (Western Himalaya). PhD dissertation, University of Durham, Durham.
Cosic D, Dahal S and Kitzmuller M. 2017. Climbing Higher : Toward a middle-income Nepal. Washington : World Bank Group.
[Newspaper article] For online newspaper articles, please provide DOI or URL.
Subedi, S. 2009. ‘Chinka byapari na auda yarsagumba bikrima samasya’. Kantipur, 13 July 2009.
Tewa, T T. 2014. ‘We’re no Tibetans’, Kathmandu Post. (accessed 15 June 2021)
Note that for newspaper articles without author, the full reference should be provided in a footnote (not in the list of references) :
‘Climate change behind Leh cloudburst ?’ The Hindu, 25 August 2010, (accessed 15 April 2016).

Style for dates and numbers
Write out whole numbers from one to ten ; use figures for numbers above ten.
Dates : 23 August 1999
Year spans : 1979–1999 or 1898–1903 (use all numerals in display)
Centuries : early twentieth century (n) ; early-twentieth-century (adj) ; early nineteenth and twentieth century ; eighth century BCE
Century spans : 772–476 BCE ; 206 BCE–9 CE ; 1644–1911, 1644–45

Punctuation and spelling
Full stops and commas follow closing quotation marks, whether double or single. Colons and semi-colons, as well as question marks and exclamation marks (unless they belong within the quoted matter) also follow closing quotation marks.
Footnote reference numbers or symbols follow punctuation and parentheses.
Punctuation matches the font of the surrounding text ; parentheses and brackets surrounding text in italics are not italicised.
Use a comma between items in a list but no comma between the penultimate item in a list and ‘and’/‘or’ : a, b, c and d.
Compounds are generally hyphenated when not found in the Oxford Dictionary.
Examples : co-editor, trans-species, non-reactive, mid-century, non-self-sustaining (prefix before a compound term) ; but postcolonial
Use italics for emphasis. When emphasis is needed for something already set in italics use small capitals for additional emphasis.
Use three-dot ellipsis to indicate the omission of a word, phrase or paragraph. No full stop is added after an ellipsis to indicate the omission at the end of a sentence.

Acronyms and abbreviations
Use capitals for AD, BC, BCE, CE.
US and UK are to be used as adjectives only ; spell them out when they are used as a noun.
Use full capitals without full stops for other acronyms.
In running text, use eg, ie, and etc in parentheses only.

EBHR style guidelines (click on the icon to download)

EBHR submission checklist (click on the icon to download)